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Condition Information

A young mother holds her baby over her shoulder and searches for health information on her laptop computer.

Newborn screening (NBS) identifies many health conditions. The conditions babies are screened for vary by state and territory. To learn more about the conditions screened for in your state or territory, visit the State Pages.

This information center contains information on each of the conditions listed in the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP). States and territories may or may not screen for all of these conditions. This information center also includes information on other conditions that are not listed on the RUSP but are screened in some states.

On each condition page, you will find:

  • Information about the condition’s NBS test
  • Follow-up steps
  • Description of the condition
  • Signs, symptoms, causes, and treatments
  • Resources for more information and support

These pages are updated periodically as we learn more about current NBS conditions and states begin screening for new conditions. Treatments for conditions are continuously being discovered and newly available information about treatments and therapy options may exist. However, it often takes time to establish treatment recommendations and experts do not always agree. Several resources are provided in the resource section of each condition page, including organizations that may offer timely information about recent treatment discoveries and research. It is important to talk to your trusted care provider for specific treatment information to see if it is right for your baby.

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